Prices and Insurance

Billing takes place in accordance with the national rules "zorgprestatiemodel" for mental health care "Gespecialiseerde GGZ" (after referral by your general practitioner).

I have a contract with all Dutch insurance companies (excepted ENO/Salland/ZorgDirect), which will pay the price of the treatment directly to Doe-Psy. You will have to pay your 'eigen risico' (own risk).

In case you are insured by an insurer with which I do not have a contract, you will receive invoices in accordance with the rates of the Dutch health care authority ( You are responsible to pay this invoice. Depending on your insurer, a part will be refunded.

Cancellation of appointments

To optimise treatment, regular sessions eg. on a weekly basis are required (with time for practicing between sessions).

If for one reason or another (also in case of illness), you would like to cancel an appointment , please let me know as soon as possible. For cancellations made less than 24 hours in advance, you will receive an invoice for 65 euros (that your insurance does not cover).