In case of problems with your treatment

If you are not satisfied with your treatment, I invite you to discuss that as soon as possible with me. In case we do not find a solution, you have several options. You can contact the Dutch association of independent psychologists and psychotherapists ( Or file a complaint to the disciplinary tribunal for healthcare (Regionale Tuchtcollege voor de Gezondheidszorg). The client association "Stichting Pandora" and the "Cliëntenbond Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg" (clients union in mental health care) can help you find a solution. You can finally call or write the national inquiry point for patients: Landelijk Informatiepunt Patienten (LIP), PO Box 9191, 3506 GC Utrecht, phone 030-2661661.

In case of disagreement, the Dutch text shall prevail.